Famous quotes

"Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually" - Stephen Covey

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Homeland is heating up !!!

After a very disappointing Season 3 the thrill and excitement of Homeland petered out atleast for me. So i didnt have high expectations for Season 4 but still went back to it just to relive the homeland phenomena and wondering how they will take the story after the death of Brody. Thankfully the child of Carrie and Brody was not the crux of this season but instead the troubling region of Pakistan and ISI. So far these 10 episodes I have seen seems to be recreate the magic the series created in the first season. The addition of "Ayan" - the life of Pi character was a welcome addition to this season and he has portrayed his role well albeit his character getting killed too soon for the season.

The confusing world of Pakistan intelligence and their ever unreliable allegiances is the crux of this season. This season also seems to draw inspiration from real life incidents like the Prisoner swap program and Benghazhi Embassy siege.10 Episodes in ,I can wait to see how this season ends, after almost killing off Sal in numerous occasions he has returned to US safely now we have to see whether Quinn can survive the ordeal which he has put himself into. Good job by the writers to being that first season suspense and thrill back.

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