There was a huge earthquake in China killing almost 2183 people(official figure).There may be even more casualties but does anyone care.
The earthquake has occurred in Qinghai province of China where the population is 93% of Tibetan ethnicity.The casualties were high in this under-developed region of China.China declared a Day of mourning and even conducted a gala TV event with celebrities and politicians on CCTV and raised around 322 million US $.
But the surprising fact in all this was the fact that no outside Government provided any help except for verbal condolences.China said that they would accept monetary help but is not likely to allow external aid agencies to enter the province due to the ruggedness of the terrain with no facilities for frequent air traffic.
This is the net help received by China so far
American Red Cross donated 50,000$ (r u kiddin me)
No Country has given aid till now even after China has said that monetary help is welcome.
In India more aid has come for a far less severe crisis in Tsunami with millions in donations and relief workers
We had one most comprehensive relief programs during Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat where almost every country sent Monetary and Physical help.Still remember the pictures of Tents representing various countries in Bhuj.The Russians,Belgians,Americans all played their part in the rescue work.
Why this apathy towards the victims of China.Some say it is due to the paranoid frenzy of foreign influence disturbing the social stability of china but atleast monetary help could have been given to show the world's solidarity with China.
My heart goes to the lives lost in China.
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